Meat Grading what you need to know before you buy. - Sliced-foods

Meat Grading what you need to know before you buy.

Beef Up on how beef is classified

To ensure that you are not disappointed in the quality of your beef, only buy classified South Africa beef cuts.

With the variety of beef cuts available at your local supermarket or butchery, many consumers may be confused about how beef is classified. To ensure that you are not disappointed in the quality of your beef, only buy classified meat products.

Choosing the best quality beef cuts can be confusing, especially if you are not aware about the standard South African classifications used. Here are some easy-to-remember guidelines for buying top quality South African Beef.

Meat classification is a mark of quality that shows the money value between different qualities of meat. South African Beef is classified according to age, fat cover and carcass composition and roller marked according to the classification of each carcass. Both grade and fat, along with abattoirs registered identity number, are stamped into all carcasses with food grade approved ink. If you want to buy your meat with confidence, insist on any of the roller marks according to your choice and preference of beef cuts.

The following are characteristics of meat classification in South Africa:


This code means that the colour of the roller mark on the carcass is PURPLE and means that the meat is from a young animal and is the most tender meat.

The code means that the colour of the roller mark on the carcass is GREEN and means that the meat is from a young animal in transition to an adult animal and the meat is reasonably tender.

This code means that the colour of the roller mark on the carcass is BROWN and means that the meat is from an adult animal and is less tender but with plenty of flavour.

This code means that the colour of the roller mark on the carcass is RED and means that the meat is from an adult animal and is the least tender but perfect for stews.

Fat classes are indicated in the following manner:

• 000 – No visible fat on the carcass
• 111 – A very lean carcass
• 222 – A lean carcass
• 333 – A medium fat carcass
• 444 – A fat carcass
• 555 – An over-fat carcass
• 666 – An excessively fat carcass

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